Welcome / Croeso
Ysgol Bryn Teg hopes to provide all our pupils with a safe, welcoming environment where learners can reach their full potential. Persistent absence can have a negative impact on your child’s learning.
We ask all parents to keep absences from school to a minimum. To achieve this, we ask that any medical or dental appointments are made for times outside of school hours wherever possible, and that holidays are taken outside of term time.
If this is unavoidable, we ask that you inform us of any appointments in advance, and if possible, pick your child up from school before the appointment and return them to school afterwards to minimise disruption to their learning. We would ask that you exhaust all other options first. If you would like to request holiday from school, please fill in the following form and return to hollie.hayes@brynteg.ysgolccc.org.uk
Absence from school will be authorised if it is for the following reasons:
- sickness;
- unavoidable medical or dental appointments;
- days of religious observance;
- exceptional family circumstances,
Absence from school will not be authorised for:
- shopping;
- haircuts;
- overslept;
- no uniform;
- looking after brothers, sisters or unwell parents;
- birthdays;
- holidays / day trips taken in term time (unless the headteacher considers that circumstances warrant this).
If your child is ill or has another valid reason for being absent from school, we ask that you inform us on the first day of their absence. If we do not receive notification, we will send a text message asking you to update the school. This may be followed up by a phone call or letter if we do not hear from you.
Persistent lateness can have just as big of an impact on your child’s learning as absence from school. Lateness counts as an absence if your child is arriving after the register closes at 9.15am. We ask that you ensure your child is on time for school, and that if there are any exceptional circumstances to please let us know if possible. You will be required to give a reason for their lateness. Lateness is not a reason to be absent from school for the whole day. If your child is running late, we will still welcome them to school.
Every minute counts!
Celebrating good attendance
At Ysgol Bryn Teg we celebrate our pupil’s good attendance each week in our Attendance assembly/Gwasanaeth presenoldeb. We ask our pupils to be Attendance Heroes (Here, Everyday, Ready, On time). Every week, classes that have maintained or improved their attendance from the week before receive an Attendance Heroes Certificate, and a prize to enjoy as a class, such as extra playtime.
Congratulations to this week’s attendance heroes –
Gwdihw, Cadno, Haul, Seren and Enfys!
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your child’s attendance, please contact Mrs Hollie Hayes, Family Inclusion Officer – hollie.hayes@brynteg.ysgolccc.cymru
Thank you/Diolch