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Pendine meeting

There will be a virtual meeting held for all parents and pupils in Y5/6 tomorrow at 5:30.

The google meets link will be shared via text and on class dojo shortly before the meeting.


If you are joining via a laptop, Chromebook or computer you will be able to click the link directly and join with any email address.

If you are joining via any other device such as a phone or tablet you will need to have downloaded the google meets app and signed in. This app is free from the apple app store or google play store. Pupils are very familiar with this platform from work in school and times of blended learning.


We look forward to meeting with you all, sharing information and answering any questions that you may have.



The Y5/6 Team 



Presentation – Pendine Presentation

Newsletter 05.11.21

School Newsletter-05.11.2021



Class newsletters can be viewed on class pages by clicking here.

We have updated much of our school website information over the last few months. Our aim is to communicate as clearly as possible, hopefully making it easy to see what our learning offer is and working towards as a school. We want to ensure that the home/school link is a strong partnership in getting the very best for your child. Class pages are part of the update process and will soon have updated and additional information.

Y6 transition – SJL

Transition Morning Visit Letter for School


Please see the above letter for pupils in Y6 who are considering St John Lloyds school. There is an option for any Y6 pupils to attend the visit.


If you wish for your child to attend the visit please email Mr Roe ( ) by 11am on Monday 27th September so that we can inform the school of proposed numbers.


Places will need to be applied for by early December for your chosen school.



Booking dinners

Dear parents / guardians,


We have been asked by the school kitchen to remind all parents to book pupils meals online via parentpay.

This week there have been a number of pupils not booked in but wanting dinner. This can lead to pupils who have not booked in advance waiting for an additional dinner to be cooked, plated up and served.

You can book meals several weeks in advance for ease and convenience. You are charged for the meal when it is served to the pupil in school.

Pupils entitled to free school meals also need to be pre order using parentpay.

Parentpay helpline: 01267 246714


If you have any questions please get in touch.


